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Yes, You get a 30 day money back guarantee after joining the membership. You can find full details here.
Yes, your subscription will auto-renew at the end of your subscription wither it be monthly or yearly.
If you are requesting a password reset and did not receive a system generated email, please check your spam folder. If it's not there please try clearing your browsers cache and then try resetting again.
Thank you for your interest in wanting to ask Jim a question. As you can probably imagine, Jim receives a lot of messages and email everyday and is not able to personally reply to each of them. If you are a member, you will be able to ask Jim a direct question. Look for "Ask Jim A Question" under Contact in the menu to the left.
Yes! We make sure to record each show we do. The recording is then uploaded into the Member's Area. New members will also be able to watch all previous shows.

No, Currently at this time we do not accept gift cards or coupons. However, we may offer these at some point in the future.

  1. Click on "Account" from the main menu
  2. Click on "Subscriptions"
  3. Click on "Update"
  4. A new page will be displayed to enter new card information.
  5. Click "Submit" once you have updating your information.

Note: You cannot change your subscription (monthly to yearly or vice-versa) until your current subscription has expired.

  1. Click on "Account" from the main menu
  2. Click on "Pause"
  3. Click "OK"
  1. Click on "Account" from the main menu
  2. Click on "Cancel"
  3. Click "Yes"
  1. If you receive a message saying, "You are Unauthorized to View this Page." It is because your subscription has expired.
  2. Please click on "Account" from the main menu

99% of the time, your payment did not actually go through and is stuck in a "Pending" status, or "Failed" status.

Before you attempt to sign up again, please clear your browser's cache or try using a different browser. Sometimes, this is the reason why payments get stuck.

You can click on the link below and join again using your same information and it will allow you to enter your credit card information to renew your subscription.

When it tells you the email address is already in use, press the login button.

Next, Login and it will bring you right back to the payments page. Then, you can enter your credit card information.

You might also try using a private or incognito browser window in order to not have to clear your browsers cache.

If this continues, you may have to contact your bank or credit card company to see if there is an issue.


Sometimes, email providers and anti-virus software programs automatically assign emails to different folders.

Please check your inbox, newsletter, notification, promotions, other, and spam folders.

Please whitelist Jim's email address info@allthingsreconsidered.tv

Please DO NOT send email to this address.

Please use the Contact Page for all correspondences.

Shows will be available for viewing on each Sunday at aproximately 6-7PM EST.

  1. Click on "Account" from the main menu.
  2. Click on "Subscriptions".
  3. Here you will see your current membership and its status.

To contact support, please click here and choose the ticket type needed to submit.

Post Views: 286

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